Title IX Lawyers in New Mexico

We defend against Title IX allegations and university violations.

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination for any federally funded or assisted school, college, or university. At Harrison & Hart, LLC, our Title IX lawyers vigorously defend students, professors, coaches, and staff accused of violating Title IX and adjacent policies, so long-term academic and legal consequences don’t unnecessarily hold them back.

Facing Title IX or similar allegations?


Why a Title IX Lawyer Is Important

Protect your reputation, career, and future.

Colleges and universities that receive federal funds have mandatory reporting requirements for suspected Title IX violations. If you’re caught up in a Title IX or disciplinary matter and notified of an investigation, you are strongly encouraged to call a Title IX defense attorney with Harrison & Hart, LLC as soon as you receive this notice.
Any allegation, however unfounded, can harm your academic, personal, and professional reputation.

A Title IX lawyer defends you against school disciplinary measures and potential criminal charges. You could avoid suspension, expulsion, permanent letter of misconduct in your file, and jail.

Benefits of a Title IX Lawyer at Your Hearing

Aside from any administrative punishments, criminal charges may also result from a Title IX proceeding. Law enforcement can use your statements or evidence to arrest you.
Remember, you have the right to protect yourself, and many universities allow you to have a lawyer represent you at their internal hearings. At the very least, a Title IX defense lawyer should review any statement or document before you sign.

How a Title IX Lawyer Helps

  • Provides objective guidance with knowledge of federal law
  • Prepares you for questioning, hearings, and court, if necessary
  • Develops strategic dense against existing and prospective charges
  • Represents you at the hearing if allowed (if not, coaches you on presenting your defense)
  • Ensures the school follows formal Title IX investigation and hearing procedures
  • Communicates on your behalf with the university, student board, campus security, and other parties

Results & Experience That Achieve Success

We dedicate our practice to achieving the best results for our clients, no matter the situation. We know how to negotiate with prosecutors and other attorneys to reach a resolution that will meet your needs.

Unsubstantiated Allegations

Against Professor

Two complaints were made alleging that our client, a professor, violated the respectful campus policy as it related to staff members and students. Our attorneys successfully obtained a finding that the allegations were unsubstantiated for both complaints.

See All Case Results

Title IX and University Violations

Know what you’re up against & defend yourself.

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that is the ninth part of the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq.). It prohibits sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence in any public or private school, college, university, or related educational programs that accept federal financial assistance.

Title IX Violation Examples

The University of New Mexico’s Office of Equal Opportunity and other public and private universities, colleges, and schools consider the following as Title IX and school violations:

Discrimination or Harassment Based Upon Sex or Gender

  • Sexism
  • Sexist attitudes and behavior
  • Gender-based bullying
  • Harassment or discrimination of LGBTQ+ and transgender individuals
  • Disproportionate athletic programs, activities, classes, and extracurriculars

Sexual Harassment and Sex Violence

  • Sexual abuse or assault, battery, and coercion
  • Rape
  • Unwanted sexual contact through the use of force, manipulation, or intimidation
  • Unwelcomed sexual comments, innuendoes, emails, texts, phone calls, or social media posts
  • Physical or sexual acts against a person’s will or with a person incapable of giving consent

Hostile Environment

  • A setting that causes distress and discomfort from discrimination or unwanted sexual conduct
  • A threatening environment designed to create fear or intimidation
  • A setting that interferes, limits, or prevents a person’s desire or ability to participate in or benefit from a job, activity, or program

Retaliation for Title IX Complaint or Accusation

  • A vengeful response to an individual’s complaint or accusation
  • Refusal to hire, advance, qualify or promote an individual who filed a Title IX complaint
  • Disparaging comments, emails, letters, texts, or social media posts about a person due to their complaint or accusation

Other University Code Violations

Universities, post-secondary institutions, and other schools often have extensive anti-discrimination and disciplinary policies in addition to Title IX. A student, professor, or staff member falsely or wrongly accused of any code of conduct violation could face long-term disciplinary consequences, including suspension, expulsion, or criminal prosecution.

A lawyer representing professors, teachers, students or university staff may prevent you from unnecessary and wrongful discipline. This includes but is not limited to allegations related to:

  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Hazing
  • Hate crimes based on sex, gender identification, religion, race, nationality, disability, or socioeconomic status
  • Bullying (including cyberbullying)
  • Stalking and Cyberstalking (unwanted texting, sexting, or social media abuse)
  • Plagiarism, cheating, or improper collaboration
  • Residential conduct (including safety, fire, and noise violations)
  • Hostile workplace
  • Breach of contract
  • Trespassing
  • Assault and battery
  • Relationship and domestic violence
  • Theft & Property damage
  • Weapons charges
  • Other violations of campus, local, state, or federal statutes (including Title IX)

University Disciplinary Process & Consequences

When an individual files a complaint against a student, faculty member, or staff, the school is obligated to:

  • Inform the accused of the alleged violation
  • Notify law enforcement in certain situations
  • Investigate the charges, including gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses
  • Hold a disciplinary hearing
  • Allow the accused (or their attorney) the chance to cross-examine witnesses and defend against the allegations

Each school, college and university has its disciplinary process and consequences. Harrison & Hart, LLC is ready to defend you of alleged Title IX or related violations.

Possible Consequences and Sanctions

When you plead guilty or are found guilty of violating your school’s code of conduct, the university may impose any number of sanctions or penalties. The severity of these sanctions depends on the gravity of your alleged offense and might include:

  • Expulsion from school
  • Termination of employment for faculty and staff
  • Formal reprimand with a letter in your academic or professional record
  • Temporary or permanent suspension from programs or activities
  • Academic Probation
  • Community service
  • Expulsion from residential dorms
  • Suspension without pay for accused faculty and staff
  • Loss of privileges
  • Reimbursement for property damage or theft
  • Being prohibited from reapplying to the school for future education or employment

You should know that this is not an exhaustive list of punitive actions for a Title IX violation. In addition, the university can turn over evidence and testimony to law enforcement.

Criminal Charges & Civil Lawsuits

You could face criminal charges for crimes such as rape, sexual assault, battery, and stalking. Depending on the outcome, you might have to pay a fine, go to jail or prison, and lose certain civil rights, including the right to own a firearm or vote in an election.

An individual with a Title IX may also sue the university and name you among the defendants. You could potentially lose everything you have worked hard to achieve, including your job, savings, and reputation. However, early intervention from a legal professional can clear up a misunderstanding quickly, mitigate damage to your life, and help you avoid formal criminal charges.

"I would confidently take them into any legal battle I face."

"Harrison & Hart has represented me in four lawsuits, during which I have continued to be impressed by their intelligence, knowledge of the law and professional integrity. They are creative and shrewd, but honest and forthright. I would confidently take them into any legal battle I faced."

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Call Harrison & Hart, LLC for Help

A Title IX attorney protects your rights and future against false or unfounded accusations. Our attorneys have helped many clients in similar situations clear their names and avoid penalties from unwarranted disciplinary actions. We want to hear from you. Call (505) 295-3261, or use our online form to reach out.


The Right Firm For Your Case

We’re ready to help you get your life back on track.

From our office in Albuquerque, Harrison & Hart, LLC serves clients throughout New Mexico. We are focused on getting you the best outcome possible in the harshest of situations.

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